Do hematomas after the 5th day post FUE hair transplant lead to scalp necrosis?

Scalp necrosis is a condition that can develop after a hair transplant, and it can be a serious complication. If you’re concerned about scalp necrosis, you should talk to your doctor about whether or not antibiotics can be used to treat the hematomas.

What are Hematomas?

Hematomas are collections of blood on the skin or other tissues. They can occur after any type of surgery, including hair transplant surgery.

Hematomas may be treated with antibiotics. If the hematomas are large and cause pain or discomfort, antibiotics may be prescribed to help reduce the chance of infection. However, if the hematomas do not cause any pain or discomfort, they may be left untreated.

What Causes Hematomas After a Hair Transplant?

Hematomas are rare after hair transplant surgery, but can occur if there is trauma to the area where the hair was harvested. Hematomas can also form if blood accumulates in the area due to an infection or a medical condition. If a hematoma is severe, it can cause scalp necrosis, which is a serious condition that can lead to the death of the hair follicle.

If you experience a hematoma after your hair transplant, your best course of action is to see your doctor. He or she may prescribe antibiotics to treat any infection that is causing the hematoma. If the hematoma is large and causes scalp necrosis, then surgery may be necessary to remove it.

How Can Hematomas Be Treated?

Hematomas are collections of blood that can form after the procedure known as FUE hair transplant. Hematomas can occur anywhere on the scalp, but are most common near the hairline. They can be painful and difficult to treat, and may lead to scalp necrosis if not treated quickly.

There is no one definitive answer as to how hematomas should be treated. Some doctors may recommend antibiotics in cases where there is a suspicion of infection, while other doctors may simply place a bandage over the hematoma and let it heal on its own. It is important to consult with a doctor who is experienced in treating hair transplant hematomas in order to get the best possible care.

Do hematomas after the 5th day post FUE hair transplant lead to scalp necrosis can the hematomas be treated with antibiotics?

A hematoma is a collection of blood that pools outside of the blood vessels. Hematomas can occur anywhere in the body, but are most common in the head and neck region.

There are various degrees of severity when it comes to hematomas, ranging from small and harmless to large and potentially life-threatening. A hematoma that develops after a FUE hair transplant is typically small and harmless. However, if the hematoma grows larger or begins to cause symptoms, it may need to be treated with antibiotics or even surgery.

Most hematomas resolve on their own within a few days to weeks without any treatment. However, in some cases, hematomas can lead to serious complications, such as infection or nerve damage. If you develop a hematoma after your FUE hair transplant, it is important to monitor the area closely and contact your doctor if you experience any new or worsening symptoms.


Hematomas are a common complication after hair transplant surgery, but there is no need to panic. In most cases, hematomas will go away on their own and do not require any treatment. However, in severe cases where the hematoma threatens the scalp or bone below it, antibiotics may be prescribed in order to prevent necrosis. If you experience a hematoma after your hair transplant surgery and it does not seem to be getting better on its own, please contact your physician for advice.

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