How does a Fue hair transplant work?

In a typical hair transplant, a surgeon removes a patch of hair from the back or top of your head and places it on the balding area. They then use scalpels to cut through the hair on either side of the graft and pluck out any remaining hairs. This method is usually more effective than traditional hair transplants because it preserves more of the natural follicular structure, which gives your hair more resilience and a natural appearance.

What is FUE hair transplant?

FUE hair transplant is a new technique that uses follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUE removes hair from the root instead of the hair shaft, which results in a natural-looking result with minimal scarring.

How does a Fue hair transplant work?

A Fue hair transplant is a revolutionary and minimally-invasive surgical procedure that uses lasers to remove hair from the scalp. The hair is then transplanted into new areas of the scalp, providing a natural looking solution for people who want more hair.

The Fue hair transplant is a minimally-invasive surgery that uses lasers to remove hair from the scalp.

The hair is then transplanted into new areas of the scalp, providing a natural looking solution for people who want more hair.

There are several benefits to undergoing a Fue hair transplant. First, it is an incredibly effective way to increase your attractiveness and confidence. Second, it is an affordable option that can be done on a outpatient basis. Third, it is a simple procedure that can be done in a clinic or at home with minimal preparation time. Fourth, Fue hair transplants are also known for their durability, meaning they will last for many years without any further maintenance.

Who is a good candidate for a Fue hair transplant?

Fue hair transplant is a new, minimally invasive hair restoration procedure that uses a laser to remove hair from specific areas of the scalp.
A good candidate for a Fue hair transplant is someone who has lost a significant amount of hair, is experiencing hair loss in an area that is difficult to treat with traditional methods, and has had at least two unsuccessful rounds of prescription medication or surgery.
If you are considering a Fue hair transplant, please contact our office for more information.

Pre-surgery preparation

Preparation is key to a successful hair transplant surgery. Here are a few things you can do to ensure the best results:

1. Get a realistic idea of your hair loss. This includes taking pictures of your scalp before and after hair loss, so you can see the areas where hair is thinning or gone altogether.

2. Make sure to eat a healthy diet before surgery. This will help to maintain your energy levels and prevent any post-op complications.

3. Get plenty of rest before surgery. Stressed out patients often have less success with hair restoration surgery than those who are rested and relaxed.

4. Bring your medications with you to the hospital. Many medications used during surgery may require prior approval from your doctor. Arranging for these ahead of time will save time on your day of surgery.

5. Make copies of all your medical records in case there are any questions or problems following the surgery.


A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that removes individual hairs from the scalp. The physician first identifies the bald or thin areas on the head and then uses a special microscope to remove the hair follicles in those areas. Once the follicles are removed, the surgeon creates a patch of new hair by growing new hair cells from scratch.


After the surgery, patients will likely experience some pain and swelling. These symptoms will gradually decrease over time and most patients can return to their regular activities within a few weeks. However, some people may experience lingering pain or discomfort for up to six months after a Fue hair transplant. Some people also experience temporary changes in hair density or texture, which can last up to 12 months.

One of the benefits of Fue hair restoration is that it is one of the least invasive surgeries available. Compared to other hair restoration procedures, such as FUE or SMPP, Fue hair transplant does not require removal of any surrounding tissue and does not involve cutting or burning hair. This makes it a good option for people who are uncomfortable with more traditional surgical approaches.

Overall, the recovery process following a Fue hair transplant is generally easy and relatively short-term. However, some people may experience minor setbacks or side effects for up to six months after the procedure.


If you are considering a hair transplant, it is important to understand how a Fue hair transplant works. A Fue hair transplant uses energy healing techniques to help remove unwanted hair from your head. By using this type of surgery, the physician removes individual grafts of hairs from the patient’s donor area and transfers them directly to the bald or thinning areas on the patient’s scalp. This minimizes swelling and trauma throughout the procedure, which results in less post-operative pain and a quicker return to normal activities.

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