When Can I Start Wearing Hats After a Hair Transplant?

One common question we get asked by our patients is whether or not they can start wearing hats after their hair transplant surgery. The answer, as with most things related to hair transplants, is that it depends on the individual. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that come into play when deciding when to start wearing hats after a hair transplant.

After a hair transplant, it’s important to wait until the incisions have healed before putting any pressure on them. For most patients, this takes about two weeks. Once the incisions have healed, you can start slowly reintroducing hats into your wardrobe. However, it’s important to be mindful of how you’re wearing your hat. Avoid tight-fitting baseball caps or beanies that put pressure on the incisions. Instead, opt for looser-fitting beanies or hats that sit higher up on your head.

In general, we recommend waiting at least four weeks after your hair transplant before starting to wear hats regularly. By this point, the incisions should be completely healed and your transplanted hair will have started to grow in. If you have any questions or concerns about when you can start wearing hats after your hair transplant surgery, be sure to talk to your doctor or surgeon.

Check Out: Hair Transplant Graft Calculator


If you’re considering a hair transplant and are wondering whether or not you’ll be able to wear hats after the surgery, the short answer is that it depends on the individual. In general, we recommend waiting at least four weeks after your surgery before reintroducing hats into your wardrobe. Be sure to talk to your doctor or surgeon if you have any questions about when you can start wearing hats after your hair transplant surgery.

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